Done For You Launch Copywriter Services for Course Creators

Blowtorch your competition with your best launch yet

Copywriting services and launch strategy fuelled by data, conversions, and a fuck ton of sass

Sass courtesy of moi, Nic, also known as a brand voice genius and legendary launch strategist for online-business-owning humans.


Why you need a launch strategist who’s unafraid to go (fire)balls to the wall

You’re not new to the online business game. You’ve built successful courses and digital products. You’ve done the hard work of growing an audience of subscribers (who fucking love you, by the way). 

Now? You’re ready to pour fuel on your foundations and rake in more sales. 

You need a launch strategist and copywriter who knows this shit inside and out. Who doesn’t make you compromise on what makes your people buy your offers – Strategy. Conversion optimisation. YOU.

Kickass results may occur from working with me


And they’ve smashed their targets time and again with the course launch strategy and copy I crafted for them. It’s a one-time investment that keeps paying off through multiple launches. Because working with me is a no-brainer.

Copywriting services disclaimer: Future success isn’t guaranteed, but I’ll aim to blow your mind.


Revenue for Jenna Rainey

Selling her $897 course. Plus we doubled her sales goal.


conversion rate

For a digital product. Normal averages range from 5-25%


High-ticket program sales

Increased members in Haley Burkhead’s high-ticket program

Dying to know how I do it?


I fix your
conversion issues

I throw on my lab coat to dissect how your previous launch performed. Then I pour fuel on what worked, and fix any conversion issues.


I so-good-it’s-scary -ily mimic YOUR VOICE

Your offer is good. But what’s truly one-of-a-kind is… YOU, friend. That unique-factor is what makes or breaks your launch. I slip into your leather jacket and write like you.


I go full conversion copywriter on your ass

Your sales page and email sequences won’t know what hit them. But you will - the best of the best conversion science, expertly applied to your offer.

The thank-fuck-I-found-you launch strategy solutions you’ve been searching for


Launch Lab

One-hour launch strategy consulting call

This one-hour session is perfect for you if you’re looking to nail down the best strategy for your upcoming course launch or to debrief and optimise after a previous course launch.

What’s included:

  • One-hour call with me to figure out your launch strategy

  • Action step notes from the call for you to implement on your own

  • Recording of the call if you need a refresher of my advice


$300 USD

Jordan Gill recommends Nicola Moors for Course Launch Strategy and Copywriting Services

“My students would constantly tell me, ‘I love going to Coach Nic’s calls!’ And I could physically see the difference in the copy submitted before and after her sessions.”


Launch Lite

Lean & fast launch
copywriting services

Perfect-for-you scenario #1:
You’ve successfully launched this offer before and don’t need extensive support during or after the launch. 

Perfect-for-you scenario #2:
You’re into simple launches. You’re not faffing around with webinar funnels, etc., and are just launching to your list. 

Perfect-for-you scenario #3:
You like to move fast. You want to get everything up and running in less than two weeks.

What’s included:

  • Customer survey and analysis to uncover those I-need-it-now insights to fuel your new copy

  • Conversion copy for your sales page to do the heavy lifting that sells your course or digital product

  • OPTIONAL ADD-ON – Conversion copy for your email sequence to prime your audience to buy before even seeing the sales page


Sales page: $6000
Sales sequence: $5000
Sales page & sequence: $9500

MÉLANIE BOUCARUT recommends Nicola Moors for a Custom Product Launching Strategy

“I needed a copywriter who was an expert in conversion and could handle my particular brand voice—being cheeky and fun, without being sexual.”

“After reading the sales page Nicola wrote, I wanted to buy my own Bootcamp!

Nicola nailed my brand voice and wrote like me, but better. She understood the subtle difference of being cheeky and demanding of my audience, without harassing them.

She was also fun to work with and her onboarding questionnaire forced me to dig into areas of my business that I thought I already had a grasp on.”


Launch Legend

Balls-to-the-walls launch strategy & copywriting services

The all-inclusive, high-touch experience for advanced course creators who are ready to pour serious fuel on their next launch.

Need a comprehensive funnel built or optimised? Want me to be on deck for conversion tweaks and funnel fixes during and after the launch?

If you want the white-glove strategy, copy, and support (so you can hit your stretch-goal targets without being chained to your desk), Launch Legend is for you.

What’s included:

Everything in Launch Lite, PLUS*…

  • Previous launch debrief to identify the holes in your funnel (and how to fix them)

  • Customer interviews and review mining to get inside your audience’s head

  • Offer optimisation to make what you’re selling as irresistible as possible

  • Messaging report to pass your student survey or interview insights directly to you (my clients often say they refer back to this time and time again!)

  • Webinar funnel and opt-in to create an effective-as-hell pathway for converting leads

  • Hands-on support during launch for up-to-the-minute conversion tweaks and troubleshooting (for MAXIMUM sales)

  • Post-launch support & debrief to analyse the results and optimise future strategies

  • OPTIONAL ADD-ON – onboarding sequence for new students to keep the amazing student experience going post-purchase


$19,997 USD

Monthly payment plans are included with zero interest. Only one Launch Legend client per month.

*Deliverables can be customised. If you need something different (like, say, a different funnel than a webinar funnel), I’ll swap around some deliverables. 

Ellen Yin recommends Nicola Moors for Copywriting Services

“Nicola came highly recommended to me and was an absolute joy to work with.​

She showed me what a fully-researched, highly-customized sales sequence actually looks like.

It’s not always been easy for people to capture my writing style but Nicola’s copy felt conversational and like my voice.

What exceeded my expectations working was Nicola’s level of care and responsiveness.

Nicola was responsive, delivered on time, and was really personable to work with.

Since Nicola wrote our post-webinar email sequence, we’ve seen a much higher percentage of people buying in the days or even weeks later. ​​

She delivers compelling copywriting that converts. If you're hesitant working with her, Nicola is the best experience you can have.”


When you hire me as your launch strategist
and copywriter, you’re protected by my
go-the-extra-mile guarantee

I’ll never leave ya high and dry. 

I guarantee that you’ll get my 1:1 support during your launch, because sometimes things go tits up… I’ll be by your side to answer queries or make any last-minute copy tweaks. 

Let’s clear some things up straight away ↓

  • I work with ambitious course creators, coaches, and digital product creators who are ready to blow past their launch goals.

  • I could literally talk for HOURS about my process. (Ahem, actually, I have done that – in my brand voice course for other copywriters.) 

    But the quick-and-dirty version is that I’ve created a proven system to analyse your existing content and replicate your voice in the copy I write for you.

    (I used to do this in my past life as a journalist for dozens of different publications, each with a distinct style of content.)

  • While I can’t promise exact numbers (because, surprise, I don’t have a crystal ball), my clients have seen great results – like 9x-ing the average sales page conversion rate and hitting multiple six-figure launches (time and time again from the same copy). Investing in top-tier copy and strategy pays off when done right. 

  • I’ll need access to your previous launch results or CRM, and any past copy you’ve got. You’ll also need to fill out an onboarding questionnaire. And if you’ve got any old customer surveys, send them over – but I’ll also be doing my own survey.

    As for your involvement? Mostly hands-off. After our initial strategy meeting and messaging report, I’ll just need you around for edits.

  • Ideally, you should book me at least 3-6 months before your launch to make sure we have ample time to craft perfection. The timeline can vary based on the complexity of your launch, but typically, you’re looking at a few weeks (Launch Lite) to a couple of months (Launch Legend) from start to finish. So I can give each of my clients high-level support, I only book one Launch Legend project per month.

  • Just drop me a line at and I’ll be happy to answer any other questions you have.

I won’t sugarcoat it for ya – how to know if I’m the right launch strategist for you

Sorry, mate, this won’t work out if… 

  • it’s your first time launching 

  • your product/course isn’t validated yet (i.e. no paying customers) 

  • your email list is <1000

  • you’re not willing to let me do customer research (surveys or interviews) 

  • you’re rushing through your launch or trying to do it on a shoestring budget

  • you’ve got transphobic, racist, or homophobic beliefs 

  • you want to be treated with kid gloves and don’t want straightforward advice 

  • you don’t care about authenticity

Fuck yes, we’re a perfect match if…

  • you’ve launched several times – it’s not your first rodeo!

  • you have a validated product and/or validated audience 

  • your email list is 1000+ … exact size doesn't matter but bigger sure does help ;)

  • you’re excited about digging into customer research with me 

  • you’re ready to go all in on your next launch by investing in a launch strategist and copywriter who knows their shit

  • you can’t stand transphobes, racists, or homophobes, because ditto!

  • you appreciate it when someone tells you like it is (but isn’t an asshole about it)  

  • you would never compromise on authenticity

Copy & strategy that’s literal jet fuel for your best launch ever

Those online-business-owning humans you see having absolutely epic launches?

Who never seem stressed over sales, funnel hiccups, or all the bloody writing involved? 

There’s a good chance I’m their secret launch weapon. 

Could I be yours?