You can call me Nic

I’m the launch copywriter putting your brand voice front and centre in your strategy – ’cos YOU are why people buy

Nic the launch copywriter for 6 and 7 figure business owners


You’re awesome, my friend

Whether you're a badass course creator or an ambitious-as-fuck copywriter, you’ve built a career, income stream, and personal brand people love – straight from nothing.

That’s worth celebrating with a shot of ice cold Fireball every damn day.

But you’re not done yet… 

  • You’re chasing that elusive edge for your launch strategy and copy to smash expectations 

  • You want your personal brand to get even stronger as your reach gets bigger,
    with copy that screams ‘you’ 

  • Or you’re a copywriter eyeing your next level, starting with honing your launch copy and brand voice skills…  and ending with landing internet-famous clients

Lucky for you, you’ve found ME.*

*Who is “me” exactly? Short answer: a legendary launch copywriter. But keep reading for the full story.

Nicola Moors Launch Strategist and Copywriting Coach

The official bio

I’m a launch copywriter and launch strategist helping 6- and 7-figure business owners earn the majority of their revenue with profitable evergreen funnels and launches. 

I’m the brains (& excellent hair) behind campaigns that have generated millions of dollars.

My baller clients include Haley Burkhead, Ellen Yin, Jordan Gill of Systems Saved Me, and Kira Hug and Rob Marsh of The Copywriter Club. 

My brand-voice-centric approach to messaging and funnels has won my clients above-industry-average results like: 

  • 68% increase in sales page conversions

  • 13% conversion rate on warm and cold traffic for a sales page 

  • Up to 85.4% open rates on launch emails

And I’m also a no-nonsense copywriting coach for those who want to nail launches with the confidence of Mick Jagger on stage, just like I do.

Nicola Moors Launch Copywriter

The unauthorised biography  

In my former life as a journalist, I wrote for dozens of publications in the UK and worldwide. My beat was hard-hitting crime – interviewing survivors, building trust, and amplifying their voices so they can be heard.

But my real superpower? Mastering a publication’s unique voice and style. When you win a reader over through one-of-a-kind storytelling, you have a reader for life. 

Joining the online business world, I found another angle that lit a fire in me – launch copywriting. I could whip up long-as-fuck sales pages that kept people glued, email sequences that got clicks, and words that put my clients’ values and personality at the centre. (A non-negotiable for anyone rocking a personal brand.) 

Fast forward, and here I am: unapologetically known as the No-BS Queen, Brand Voice Baller, and Launch Copy Legend. 

The cheeky bits

Solo adventurer

I love working as part of a team, but socially, I’m a lone ranger. You'll often find me alone in my favourite remote cabin - reading and bathing in the countryside.

Ultra marathoner-in-training

After running 26.2 miles three times, I decided to take on new challenges (and heights) in the hilly Lake District and Peak District.

Born rock ‘n’ roller

There’s nothing like the ‘80s. True fact: I was born to “Crazy, Crazy Nights” by Kiss, LOVE AC/DC, and grew up watching “The Goonies”.

Proud Northern gal

I love a pint of ale, rugby, and hearty comfort food (seriously, I’d put gravy on everything if I could!).

Fired up and ready to work with me?

Here’s your next move:


For badass course creators

Want data-driven, no-BS strategy and in-your-own-words launch copywriting that fuels what you've built so far?


For ambitious-as-fuck copywriters

Want to learn from a copywriting coach who’s actively leading successful launches?

Petra Fisher Results After Working With a Launch Copywriter & Strategist

“We wanted a conversion copywriter who understands brand voice — we love working with Nicola!”

“I had been doing all the writing myself, but our business grew exponentially, and suddenly our audience size expanded way past where we could manage.

Everything needed work, and I knew I wanted to work with a conversion copywriter who understood brand voice, because our voice is special. The perfect person was Nicola.

We really love working with Nicola. It’s been really nice to have somebody who understands what we do. Nicola is super smart and easygoing, and my partner loves getting into the data with her. Overall, she gets us, and everything she writes for us is working well!”


Here are some (free!) private podcasts to get you started

Treat yourself – it’s on me!

Launch Lounge 

A no-bullshit private podcast just for course creators in launch mode:

  • The real reasons launches fail today (and why most launch gurus aren’t talking about it)

  • Why 2024’s launch game isn’t the same easy win as a few years ago

  • The insider strategies that are working now (ahem, sending the same emails to everyone on your list? Not enough.)

This is the perfect place to start if you’re ready to start seeing bigger and better launch results.

Brand Voice Bites

A private podcast answering the 6 most-asked questions about brand voice:

  • At what level of business can I start to market brand voice guides?

  • How to convince clients they need a guide?

  • How long does it take to learn brand voice?

  • Should brand voice change throughout the funnel?

  • Is my/my clients’ brand voice appropriate for my/their niche?

  • How to format brand voice guides?

Stop scrolling through FB groups – get the unGoogleable answers, with zero gatekeeping.