Nicola Moors is THE copywriting coach

You want to CAN become a launch copy legend

No-BS copywriting coaching, business mentorship, brand voice courses, launch copy templates, and other baller resources


Writing copy for launches fucking rocks

(yeah, I said it)

It’s exhilarating – knowing that your words are igniting that I-need-this-now feeling and converting into clicks, purchases, and enrollments. 

You’ve got the itch. And yep, launch copy could be YOUR thing. 

But making a name for yourself as a launch copywriter isn’t easy, especially when you’re going at it alone. I remember tossing and turning in those early days, literally kept awake thinking about how if I fucked up, my clients (and my reputation) would be the ones paying the price. *No pressure*

Is the strategy right? Is the copy going to convert? Will this client like my copy? How do I find those premium clients everyone’s banging on about?

Like me, you’ve probably taken some conversion copy courses *waves to fellow Copy School grads*. But maybe you’re here because you think there’s something different to learn from a launch copywriter who’s STILL a launch copywriter. 

The truth is… The whole industry has reversed – repeating four-year-old launch strategies no longer works. That’s why you need to learn from a copywriter who’s still debriefing, strategising, and writing launches.

Enter: copywriting coach and No-BS Queen herself, yours truly. 

Here’s what you get

with me as your copywriting coach, mentor, teacher, or…  fuck it, call me what you want – here’s why you’ll love learning with me:


Expertise that has led to mind-blowing launch copy results

Dreaming of a holy-shit “results” section on your services page?
I’ll teach you how to get that kind of ROI for your clients AND help you show it off. 


My brand voice genius to help you nail your clients’ voice

Brand voice and launch copy are both necessary to rake in sales. People buy from people. You can’t sell anything with copy that sounds nothing like the person behind it.


Insider strategies for what’s working NOW in the launch space

No disrespect to those “big name” copywriting coaches. But the launch industry today is completely different, so you need someone who’s STILL working with launch clients and knows what works.

Ready to get your arse in gear?

Firm but fair business mentorship, copywriting coaching, and uplevel-your-skills resources


Launch Pad - 1:1 mentorship

Bring me on as your mentor to fuel up your launch copywriting skills, client pipeline, and reputation.

Here’s a preview of what you get:

  • My killer guidance on advising your clients on their launch strategy so you can deliver jaw-dropping results

  • My expert eyes on the copy you write for clients, making sure it’s sharp, snappy, and brilliantly converts

  • My on-demand support for all your questions as you navigate client work and interactions, so you’re never left hanging

  • My no-nonsense advice for your next business moves, keeping you ahead of the pack and smashing your goals

    • On-demand launch strategy and copy reviews by yours truly

    • VIP access to my shop of brand voice and copy courses, and launch copywriting templates

    • 90-minute deep dive into your business and a post-call action to build your momentum towards your goals

    • Voxer access to me Tuesday-Thursday to ask me anything, map out your (or your client’s) next launch or get on-the-spot coaching

    • Personal Slack channel to chat with me whenever you need 

    • Weekly check-ins to get advice and stay accountable 

    • 2 30-minute SOS calls to use whenever and however you like 


3 months


$1500 USD / month

Sanjana Behera recommends Nic's Copywriting Coaching

“I thoroughly enjoyed coaching with Nicola. Not only did she help me feel confident about my strategy decisions, but I also felt supported with my biz dilemmas. 

She patiently listened to my long rambling voice notes and responded promptly with clinical advice, true to the expert that she is. She was also very generous with the swipes she shared with me. I truly feel lucky to be in her space and I hope to continue this relationship further out.”



Brand Voice Baller

Write copy that sounds uncannily like your clients.

Here’s a preview of how you’ll do it:

  • 7 modules of bite-sized training videos so you have a simple, no-fuss process to inject personality into your copy, nail brand voice, and write like a human (well, like your client)

  • Student-only Facebook community to get support, ask questions and mingle with fellow Ballers

  • Asynchronous office hours to get direct coaching

  • Voxer office hours for any confidential questions you can’t share with others

  • My coveted interview and survey questions – ask your clients the right questions to uncover their unique voice

  • A plug-and-play voice template – spend more time crafting killer copy and less time fiddling with formatting

  • Over-the-shoulder walkthroughs so you can see my magic in action - get the inside scoop on how I do it

  • A real-life brand voice guide so you can see exactly what one looks like in action


3 hours


High-level brand voice curriculum, coaching and community to 10x your skills and confidence: $997 USD

Still on the fence? Here’s the pitch: 

The fastest way to stop competing on price and attract premium clients is mastering brand voice. Because AI can’t do it. Less-experienced copywriters can’t do it. But YOU can, now that you’re a Brand Voice Baller. 

Sounds like you just made yourself invaluable.

Nic was Reneta's Launch Coach

“Brand Voice Baller feels like an apprenticeship — 
I loved over-the-shoulder chapters.

I just really love Nicola’s pragmatic and hey-it-is-easier-than-you-make-it-out-to-be approach to brand voice. Her confidence has rubbed off on me. I love it, the way Nicola presents information is easy to digest and inspiring to action.”


More courses to 10x your launch copywriter skills & confidence

Each course is designed to skyrocket your skills in one of the key areas of copywriting or marketing.

Launch Igniter

Improve your conversion rates every time you launch!

Student Success Engine

Collect, organise, and systematise student feedback so you can create compelling case studies, reviews, and testimonials.

Launch Copy Templates

Ah, finally. Launch templates written in your voice AND designed for conversions.

Voice of Customer Vault

Swipe my research process to create the perfect message for any of your offers.

Not sure? Overwhelmed?
Need a kick up the arse to decide?

Let’s have a chat.  

Contact me and we’ll talk about which resource is best for you.

Direct answers from the No-BS Queen ↓

  • You need to have had some clients and got the business basics down (you’re legally sorted, you’ve got your payment processor, and you have some clients flowing your way — even if it’s not as many as you’d like). 

  • For the 1:1 mentorship, you do need to be a launch copywriter (or aspiring). For my courses and resources, you can be any type of copywriter. Brand voice is definitely universal.

  • Absolutely. I offer a one-time consulting call called Launch Lab. I market it for launch clients needing strategy-only support, but I love working with copywriters looking for advice on their business or the copy they’re crafting for a client. 

    Click here to book it.

  • With 1:1 mentorship, it’s ALL personalised support. If you enroll in Brand Voice Baller, you get real-time brand voice coaching. Otherwise, everything is DIY. Click on each resource to get the full details.

  • Just drop me a line at and I’ll be happy to answer any other questions you have.